Report for Laser Rangefinder Fundraiser 📝

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our fundraiser for the Vortex Impact 4000 laser range finder for a defender from the 48th OSB of the 72nd brigade! Your support means so much and has a direct impact on our soldiers' effectiveness on the front lines.

The laser range finder has already been delivered and is now in action, helping our defender precisely measure distances, even in challenging conditions. It may be a small device, but its contribution to improving the accuracy and efficiency of our heroes cannot be overstated.

📊 We’ve raised 70K UAH and all that amount was spent to purchase a device. The Vortex Impact 4000 will make a significant difference, helping to protect our heroes and bring us closer to victory.

From myself and from our soldier in need, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to each of you who joined this effort—whether by donating, sharing, or supporting in any way. Your actions are making a real difference!

Together, we are stronger! 💪 Glory to Ukraine! 🇺🇦 Слава Україні! 🇺🇦

Збір на Лазерний Далекомір 🔭

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Збір завершено! Дякую всім!
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Привіт, друзі!

Прошу вашої допомоги в зборі на лазерний далекомір Vortex Impact 4000 для захисника з 48го ОСБ 72ої бригади.

Цей прилад невеликий і легкий, чіпляється прямо на рушницю та допомогає швидко та точно вимірювати відстань до об'єктів навіть в умовах поганої видимості. Це справді незамінна річ, яка підвищує ефективність наших воїнів у зменшенні поголів'я наших ворогів.

Оберіть будь-який зручний спосіб для донату! А як нема можливості, то вподобайка та поширення відіграє не менш важливу роль.

Fundraiser for Reconnaissance Drone ✈️

Hello, friends!

The guys from the 48th battalion of the 72nd brigade need a special reconnaissance UAV to better guide their FPV drones (including those that we’ve provided to them). The UAV is special and not cheap. The common Mavic cannot be used for those missions that they require.

Therefore, I’ve joined efforts with other volunteers to gather funds and buy that UAV complex that consists of the drone itself, the launch pad, the guiding and operating equipment.

Total amount needed is around $10,000. That’s a huge amount, but I believe that together we can do impossible things! That was already proven by you in the previous fundraisers. Together - to Victory!!! 💪

↗️ Please, share this page with others, so more people could join!

Glory to Ukraine! 🇺🇦 Glory to the Armed Forces!!! 🪖


Card transfer (UAH): 5375 4112 1377 5690

GooglePay, ApplePay, Credit or debit card:

PayPal or Wise:

SEPA transfer in EUR:
Account number (IBAN): DE38100110012623035979
Account Holder Name: Yuriy Tkach
Details of transfer: Donation to help Armed Forces of Ukraine

SWIFT transfer in USD:
Beneficiary IBAN: UA173220010000026206307305757
Account No: 26206307305757
Account with Institution Bank: JSC UNIVERSAL BANK
Details of payment: charitable assistance to the army

Crypto currency:

  • BTC: bc1qchju0kxer9eg4wjyjux3dsdwxldg8rkd88lazt

  • ETH, USDT/USDC (ERC-20): 0xd08B924Be1737b4De9bCFa4E35686433CfA6ad53

  • USDT/USDC (TRC-20): TJ5MZAhcsmuUYPfw5WXQauCqKXF4eT554F

Report for Night Vision Monocular Fundraiser 📝

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our fundraiser for a night vision monocular for the 48th battalion of the 72nd brigade defending us in the Donetsk direction! Your support plays a crucial role in enhancing the safety and effectiveness of our soldiers on the front lines.

As part of this fundraiser, we organized a charity auction featuring a unique piece of art created from an ammo box. The video of the auction can be viewed here.

📊 Some Numbers:

  • Total raised: 50,536 UAH

  • Total spent: 65,000 UAH

The additional amount was covered by the Buy Me A Coffee donations to ensure the purchase of the monocular. This essential equipment will significantly aid our heroes in their nighttime operations.

From myself and from our soldiers, I sincerely thank each and every one of you for your generous contributions! Together, we are making a tangible difference and bringing us closer to Victory.

Together to victory! 💪 Glory to Ukraine! 🇺🇦 Слава Україні! 🇺🇦

Fundraiser for Night Vision Monocular 👁️

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Update: Fundraiser is closed. Thank you everyone. Report is here

Greetings to all! And again our soldiers need your help! 🙏

💥 A new fundraiser for a night vision device for our soldiers from the 48th battalion of the 72nd brigade defending us in the Donetsk direction!

🌘 Most frontline movement now occurs at night, so this device is vital to the safety and effectiveness of our defenders.

🎯 We need to collect UAH 65,000 as soon as possible. Every contribution counts and important, and every share of this post will make your day a little happier!

Help our heroes see in the dark so they can complete their missions safely.

Glory to the Armed Forces! 🪖 Glory to Ukraine! 🇺🇦

Reports for endoprosthesis fundraiser 📝

Friends, your support once again showed incredible results! 🤗 A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to the endoprosthesis fundraiser for our soldier from the 72nd Brigade. Your generosity and compassion will help him on his way to recovery. We now look forward to the surgery and wish for a speedy recovery for our warrior.

All collected funds were transferred to the account of the charity fund, which has already paid for the endoprosthesis, having received an invoice from the supplier.

📃 Photos of all receipts and documents are attached. Here, the amount that was collected by my friends, and transfers from them and from me to the account of the fund, and the bill for payment from the supplier, and finally confirmation of the payment of the bill by the fund.

Glory to our defenders! 🪖 Glory to Ukraine! 🇺🇦

💰 Збір коштів на ендопротез для захисника з 72ої бригади 🦿

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Збір закрито. Дякую всім!
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Вітаю, друзі! 🌟

Маю одне важливе прохання до вас. Ми разом вже зробили чимало, допомагаючи нашим захисникам. Наша нова мета — зібрати кошти на ендопротез для суглобу бійця з 72ї бригади ім. Чорних Запорожців. Цей воїн віддав здоров'я в боротьбі за нашу країну з перших днів війни.

Пора нам показати, що ми теж можемо боротися за нього. Операція, яка допоможе йому знову повноцінно рухатися, поверне радість життя, яку він заслуговує. Кожен ваш внесок наближає нашого героя до цієї мети.

🙏 Прошу не відкладати і допомогти якнайшвидше. Ваша підтримка, велика чи мала, а також кожен репост, важливі для успішного збору коштів.

Ця операція — наша можливість подякувати герою за його служіння і відвагу. Давайте разом подаруємо йому надію і допомогу, якої він так потребує.

Дякую всім, хто вже долучився і продовжує підтримувати наших захисників.

Слава нашим героям! Слава Україні! 🇺🇦

Reports for pick-up truck fundraiser 📝

Hey Everyone!

Big news from the front lines of community action - we've been on a mission to get a pickup truck for our brave soldiers, and guess what? We did it, but with an exciting twist!

The initial goal of the fundraiser was to raise money to buy a pick-up truck for soldiers of the 72nd brigade. We’ve aimed for less than the trucks usually cost - the reason was that partially the amount would be covered by soldiers themselves. Well, here is the twist - our soldiers, being the resourceful folks they are, snagged the truck completely by themselves. This let us stretch every hryvnia that we’ve raised even further - to cover the towing and gas costs, as well as by some car parts.

📊 Some numbers:

We’ve collected in different currencies 48,326 UAH.

They were spent on the following:

  • 20,000 UAH slapped down for the truck.

  • 14,000 UAH for towing (yep, it needed a little help to get moving).

  • 10,500 UAH splashed on gas (trucks gotta drink!).

  • 3,500 UAH dropped on essential car parts (because what’s a truck if it can’t truck?).

And there we have it, folks - every penny accounted for, making sure our heroes not only got wheels but got them ready for action.

We’ve got a little extra - 326 UAH - and it’s already earmarked for our next fundraiser!

Massive Thanks!
Your support’s been unreal! It’s not just about the money; it’s the spirit, the shares, and the cheerleading from the sidelines that have made this happen. You’ve made a real difference, and it’s all about sticking together for the victory!

Glory to Ukraine! 🇺🇦 Glory to the Heroes! 🪖

💰 Збір коштів на авто для підрозділу 72ої бригади 🛻

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Оновлення: Збір закрито! Всім дякую!
Звіт тут

Вітаю, друзі! 🌟

Сьогодні перед нами новий виклик: нам потрібен автомобіль для того самого підрозділу, для якого ми збирали кошти на FPV дрони-камікадзе. Цей автомобіль допоможе дроноводам швидко та ефективно пересуватися біля лінії фронту. 🚗

Ціль збору - 60 тисяч гривень. Завдяки вашій неймовірній підтримці попереднього проекту, ми вже маємо частину суми! 💸

🙏 Давайте разом допоможемо нашим героям стати ще мобільнішими та ефективнішими на полі бою!

Разом до Перемоги! 🇺🇦

Дякую кожному, хто приєднається до цієї справи.

Слава Україні! 🇺🇦

Report for additional FPV drones 📝

Many thanks to everyone who participated the fundraiser for the additional FPV drones for soldiers of the 72nd brigade of Ukrainian Armed Forces that are located in the Donetsk region. Those drones have a huge impact on defending our land, protecting lives of our soldiers and bringing closer our Victory.

📊 Some numbers:

A total of 102,000 UAH was collected in different currencies. And all of it to the last coin was spent on drones. We’ve initially aimed for 5, but were able to get a better price and bought 6 drones!

From myself and from the soldiers I sincerely thank everyone for your help!

Together to victory! 💪 Glory to Ukraine! 🇺🇦 Слава Україні! 🇺🇦